EdelGive works to achieve 10X impact by investing in partner NGOs with a combination of direct funding, capacity building, and linking NGOs to other funding sources, both public and private.
In the last decade, EdelGive Foundation has influenced nearly Rs. 150 crores in philanthropy, impacted over 4.5 lakh lives and supported (financial and non-financial) over 130 small and mid-sized NGOs in 15 states in India. To date, Edelweiss employees have provided over 29,000 hours in pro bono support, with over 85% of employees engaged in volunteering activities.

EdelGive's partners in Livelihood have a strong community connect, and have built interventions that are contextual to the needs.
We work mainly in:
Water for Livelihood
EdelGive supports organizations across geographies to mitigate the adversities of drought, erratic rainfall and sudden heavy downpour, to promote agrarian and ancillary economy. The program enhances access to water for irrigation through construction of innovative models for rain water harvesting, awareness building in best practices in agriculture methodology, livelihood augmentation activities, thus promoting climate smart agriculture. Examples include System of Rice Intensification, System of Millet Intensification, LEISA technology.
Financial Inclusion
EdelGive’s Financial Inclusion model enables access to capital along with basic business acumen for the people from vulnerable sections of society to make smarter choices. We work with diverse communities of migrant workers, fisherwoman, and rag pickers to provide them credit, remittance and social protection services; as well as capacity building support for entrepreneurship development.
Skill and Institutional building
The programs promotes value addition and market linkages for the farming fraternity, and encourage them to move towards a sustainable model of agriculture. We encourage and support formation and strengthening of the Farmer Producer Organisation.
Employability Skill Building
EdelGive supports NGOs in enabling youth employability and linking the youth to good career opportunities through experential learning, developing their soft skills and providing them with internship opportunities.

Our work in education is to ensure that the children are able to access a better future. A part of our efforts are towards providing a more holistic approach to our programmes, and to achieve this we began working with Government as a key stakeholder for maximum impact.
The Collaborators for Transforming Education
The Collaborators for Transforming Education, started in 2016, is a public-private partnership with the Department of School Education and Sports (DSES), strategized to implement the Pragat Shaikshanik Maharashtra (PSM) in the most backward districts of Maharashtra. The two-phased intervention is currently operational in four Special Focus Districts (SFDs), and is focused on enhancement in learning outcomes of children, providing support and capacity building of system functionaries and improved community engagement for ensuring sustainability of the achievements.
Early Childhood Education Program
We understand the need to plug in the problem of lack of holistic education for children, faced by the deprived communities and geographies. Hence, a part of our effort is to strengthen the government run anganwadis (through the ICDS program).
Programs focusing on Innovation and Experimentation
Encouraging new ideas, innovative approaches to problem solving which may enable the education sector to see more number of diverse solutions to choose from.
Research and Advocacy
To impact the policy level changes, data driven evidence needs to be produced. EdelGive supports generation of much needed information from the grass root level, which can be utilized to drive policy change.

EdelGive is committed to addressing both social and economic inequalities that prevent women and girls from achieving their full potential. We work with our NGO partners (pan India), who are focusing on five key priority areas.
Freedom from Violence and Discrimination:
We look at life cycle approach to violence and discrimination, and identify impactful models focussing towards creating awareness amongst communities and stakeholders. This approach assists in creating an enabling environment which will aid towards uplifting of women’s status in society, and thereby contribute towards building an egalitarian society.
Access to Legal Justice:
We work to ensure accountability of relevant authorities for justice delivery to survivors of violence. Our partner NGOs provide legal aid and support to women survivors whose rights have been denied.
Grassroots Leadership:
EdelGive supports programs that focus on increasing women and girls leadership abilities, (particularly those working at the grassroots level) so as to challenge harmful social norms, and to advocate for progressive and equitable policy and laws in the society.
Access to Rights and Entitlements:
We support organisations working on creating awareness among communities, and collectivising of women’s groups to avail and access their rights and entitlements.
Freedom from Economic Dependence:
We believe that investing in women’s economic empowerment leads to gender equality and inclusive economic growth, and therefore we support programs that increases women’s entrepreneurial and income generation abilities so that they could contribute effectively towards nation building.

EdelGive Foundation provides both financial and non-financial support to its NGOs. Non-financial support is in the form of capacity building based on NGO’s needs. We also offer capacity building to those NGOs that we believe in, but are outside our mandate and hence cannot be funded by EdelGive. Capacity building is the glue that binds many different entities in the ecosystem.
NGOs approach EdelGive with specific needs ranging from strategy development, to HR and administration, to finance, and technology. Effective capacity building requires in-depth understanding of the organizations’ functioning, financial capacity, systems utilization, technology advancement, and human resources.
Edelweiss, our parent company encourages its staff to volunteer their time and skills, to make a difference in society. EdelGive Foundation, in conjunction with Tool Box India, works to match NGO needs with the strengths and capacities available in the Edelweiss volunteer pool. ToolBox links volunteers (from Edelweiss volunteer pool as well as from external agencies) to NGOs based on need, capacity and availability. Volunteers are encouraged to try and develop efficient long term solutions.
Over the years, Edelweiss employees have provided pro-bono support of 22,000 hours of skilled volunteering. Fifty percent of the capacity building projects undertaken in the last year were with external (non-funded) NGOs.
In the EdelMentor program senior Edelweiss personnel, mentor and provide strategic guidance to NGO leaders in the areas of management, finance, and expansion of operations. These interactions between dynamic individuals of the corporate, and development worlds enable reverse learning that is invaluable to both parties. In 2016, there were 15 capacity building projects through employee engagement.

EdelGive financially supports NGOs for a mutually agreed upon period, decided by a number of factors. We continuously leverage the philanthropy network to equip our group of funders and NGOs with capacity building and fund raising support.

EdelGive follows the Results Based Management approach for grant management. The Foundation is committed to enhancing the efficiency of investing, and optimizing the impact of both its own investments and those of the overall sector. To achieve this, robust processes have been put in place at every stage of grant making and grant management to facilitate data driven decision making. This includes strong organization scoping and due diligence processes, setting up Grant Monitoring Frameworks with indicators, and periodic progress reports to track performance.
The tools developed for monitoring and evaluation are simple but comprehensive, and can be easily adopted by our partner NGOs. Along with assessing the impact of the program, EdelGive also provides support for strengthening data management systems and organization capacity.
Results Based Management Framework
EdelGive Foundation provides system strengthening support to NGOs through the Results Based Management approach, which enables result mapping at each level - Process, Output, Outcome and Impact. A performance-based funding model helps to ensure downward accountability for deployed funds. From organization scoping and due diligence to program monitoring and measurement of grant performance, EdelGive’s approach to M&E processes at each step to drive disbursement decisions. The RBM approach involves all program stakeholders, and helps in developing a strong sense of ownership, responsibility and accountability among all entities within the philanthropic ecosystem.