EdelGive takes great pride in the volunteering culture that exists in Edelweiss. Our Employee Engagement Programme offers a structured platform that connects non-profits in need of voluntary support to the Edelweiss workforce who are inclined towards making a contribution to the social sector..
Employees are encouraged to not only donate in monetary terms but also contribute their time, skills and expertise to the non-profit organizations on a pro-bono basis. Such non-financial support involves direct interaction with the beneficiaries and requires employees to develop high quality solutions to specific organizational challenges by contributing towards capacity building projects. EdelGive also extends support to external agencies adopting similar programmes, and guides them towards integrating structured employee engagement into their organisation’s DNA.
Our success in running employee engagement programs have won Edelweiss the Leader in Employee Volunteering at the iVolunteer Awards 2017.
Highlights from 2018-19
- EdelGive Foundation engaged Edelweiss employees in more than 40 immersion activities and donation drives in over 100 cities and 125 branches.
- More than 7000 employees engaged through financial and non-financial giving opportunities and dedicated over 32,500+ hours of volunteering through the years.
- Over 50 employees at senior and mid-levels were involved in skilled volunteering projects which varied from building HR Manuals, MIS systems, Digitization, Cash Flow Management, Crowd sourcing campaigns, Coaching/ Mentoring of Senior Management of NGOs.
- Initiatives launched this year:
- The Ladakh Campaign, wherein, 10 volunteers from Edelweiss, spent 10 days building a playground in a Government school at Ladakh.
- This year we celebrated EdelGive Day with over 3000 employees across 100 locations who dedicated their time and energy towards the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan during the Daan Utsav week.
- We also launched The Good innings- Cricket for a cause and saw participation from more than 1000 employees from 6 cities.
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Pause for Paws with Connect For
It was an evening full of love and hugs for 9 Edelites who welcomed some furry friends into their lives, with the help of The Welfare of Stray Dogs NGO in association with ConnectFor. The volunteers bathed the animals and took them for a walk. A lesson in compassion indeed!
Pause for Paws with Connect For
It was an evening full of love and hugs for 9 Edelites who welcomed some furry friends into their lives, with the help of The Welfare of Stray Dogs NGO in association with ConnectFor. The volunteers bathed the animals and took them for a walk. A lesson in compassion indeed!
Mat & Food Distribution Drive with Robin Hood Army Ahmedabad
15 employees of the Edelweiss PWA with their families and volunteers from Robin Hood Army, Ahmedabad spent their Saturday afternoon celebrating Valentine’s Day with 40 children. They interacted with the children and gifted them with clothes, food, and mats. At the end of the activity, they were happy that they could share the gift of sharing and caring with the children in need.
Learning Aid Kit Making with Bhumi Pune
30 volunteers from Edelweiss Public Wealth Management spent their Thursday evening preparing teaching aid kits for children from the Shivaji Nagar Bhumi shelter home in Pune. Their interactions with the children inspired them to explain concepts of time, months, shapes (2D and 3D) and religious diversity. At the end of the session, the employees felt more confident, aware and revived about being able to make the topics more interactive and useful for the students.
Gift Distribution with Dominic Savio Past Pupil’s Association
10 employees from the Credit BG, Boston office celebrated the Farewell party of class Xth students, mentored by St. Dominic Savio Past Pupils Association. 200+ water bottles and lunch boxes were distributed among the children as presents. Volunteers motivated the children to study hard, and were truly grateful for getting such a unique opportunity to make the day extremely special for the children.
Robin Hood Army Delhi Lohri Special Drive
25 Edelweiss Group’s Credit BG employees celebrated the festival of Lohri with children from the slums situated near SDA Market in South Delhi. They took part in the festivities and educated the children about the importance of this festival of harvest. At the end of the celebration, the employees distributed sweets and danced their hearts out with the children!
Fulfil-a-wish for Christmas
190+ Edelweiss Group and Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance employee volunteers played Secret Santa to children from 9 cities in the true spirit of Christmas this year. 1500 pairs of tiffin boxes and water bottles were collected and distributed as gifts to 960 children from orphanages and shelter homes. Volunteers from EGIA prepared yummy burgers and distributed it to the 320 children who live in slums, through SPOCs from Army.
Storytelling Activity and Book Distribution Drive with Bookwallah
7 volunteers from Edelweiss Group, along with their families and Bookwallah volunteers, conducted a storytelling activity on the theme, 'What Christmas means to me?'. 24 girls from Sneha Sadan orphanage in Jogeshwari were divided into groups of 8, and they together explored stories revolving around giving, forgiving, and spreading joy. At the end of the session, our volunteers dressed up as ‘Santa Claus’ and gifted the girls chocolates and books, expanding their orphanage library.
Financial Literacy & Inclusion Sessions at Bright Future with ETLI BLs
Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance’s Business Leaders went through a rigorous developmental journey centering around various themes like Values, Self, People, Change, Sustainability and Transforming Lives. This developmental journey was part of the Business Leaders Program that ended on the theme of Transforming Lives – of giving back to the community; of being able to transform and make a difference to the lives of individuals. Our Business Leaders visited 10 of the Bright Future sessions across Mumbai to host sessions on Financial Literacy and Inclusion for around 30 to 50 youth in each center. It was also a wholesome learning experience for all our Business Leaders, as they were able to take back meaningful lessons from these young people.
Organic Farming Activity with Urban Leaves
5 volunteers from Edelweiss Group spent a sunny Sunday morning on an organic farm where they set the bricks, added mulch and compost to the soil bed, and prepared a trellis for plant growth. At the end of the activity, the volunteers were gifted souvenirs like fenugreek, coriander, and basil leaves from the garden to prepare some delicious home cooked meals.This was an enriching session for our volunteers, who got an opportunity to appreciate the lengthy efforts that go into maintaining an organic farm, and witnessed how organic matter can be transformed into fertilized soil and used to grow healthy plants.
Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan - General Insurance Team
The ongoing global dialogue and actions about creating sustainable cities, inspired Edelweiss employees to take one step forward and conduct their own Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan. On a Saturday morning, 20 employees from the General Insurance team in collaboration with Project Mumbai, came together for the Dadar beach clean-up. Using gloves, facemasks, buckets and hand tools, volunteers focused on cleaning the shore by picking up the plastic litter.
Pen stand Painting Workshop with Edelweiss, Chennai
35 employees from the Chennai Edelweiss Group’s office conducted a pen-stand painting workshop in collaboration with Team Everest, an organisation which conducts educational classes, activity-based-learning and workshops for street children. The team painted and decorated penstands, which were later donated to children from the slum areas who attend classes under Team Everest’s classroom initiative
Food Distribution and Relief Work by SME Patna team
5 employees of the SME Lending team from Patna, organised a flood relief drive for the severely affected 200 people in the Kankarbagh and Rajendra Nagar areas of the city. The team contributed INR 7000, which was then used to donate necessities like food and clean water to the affected communities.
Torpa Visit by Edelweiss Ranchi employees
Kick starting the Daan Utsav month, 4 employees from Edelweiss SME Lending field office in Ranchi visited EdelGive supported NGO - Torpa Rural Development Society for Women. They were taken around the Torpa and Rania blocks for a first-hand experience of how the livelihood programs that Torpa undertakes, encourages the locals to engage in lac cultivation, handicrafts, traditional farming, and animal husbandry. Besides this, TORPA team is also involved in conducting regular awareness programs in their meetings covering hygiene, financial literacy, farming techniques and running a school for 400+ pupils. The experience truly inspired the employees to work harder at their jobs.
Daan Mahotsav with SME Lending - Kolkata
4 employees from the SME Lending team, Kolkata in collaboration with NGO Jagorani, sought to light the lives of less privileged during the holy festival of Navratri. Groceries were distributed amongst 10 elderly street dwellers near Dakshineshwar temple. Additionally, the entire team of 18 employees also distributed clothes among the street children and donated INR 1,300 for their celebration.
World Heart Day with Robin Hood Army
As part of Daan Utsav, 13 Edelweiss employees along with Robin Hood Army visited the slums of Bandra West and educated the underprivileged children on how the heart functions in the human body. They highlighted the importance of balanced diet, exercise and having a positive attitude in life. Later, the children were divided into smaller groups with the volunteers where they played games and danced to songs with the word ‘Dil’ in them. The session ended with the distribution of snacks among these 80 children.
Seva Sandwich with Credit BG
On 27th September, 48 employees from the Credit BG prepared sandwiches for 200 children from the bastis in Chakala and Mahakali area, who are given remedial tuitions by the alumni of the Dominic Savio Past Pupils Association.
Mahim Beach Clean-up after Ganesh Chaturthi
Post bidding adieu to Lord Ganesha, armed with gloves and masks, more than 500 volunteers and budding environmentalists visited Mahim beach on an early Saturday morning for a clean-up drive, and collected over 20 tonnes of waste.The half-dissolved/broken Ganpati idols, made of Plaster-of-Paris were collected, and later sent to the BMC (BrihanMumbai Mahanagarpalika) for recycling. The Mahim beach clean-up drive was organised by Indranil SenGupta and Rabia Tewari, and volunteers from Edelweiss Group, ConnectFor, Estee Lauder India and MET Rishikul Vidyalaya joined to clean up the surroundings and make people more aware.
Skit Competition with Support Foundation – Girls Centre
7 volunteers conducted a skit competition with the theme ‘Unity with a difference’ at the girls centre of Support Foundation, a rehab center. The volunteers divided the 47 girls between the age of 8 to 15 years, into groups of 10, and selected diverse festivals like Raksha Bandhan, Eid, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali and Christmas, which they presented in front of their teachers (who were the judges) and their classmates. They emphasized that India is a rich country with an amalgamation of different religions, each of which celebrate their festivals in continuum and with equal fervor. Our volunteers were moved to tears by their stories and appreciated how the children did not give up on life in spite of all the hardships they have been through and saluted their courage. The session ended with the distribution of snacks.
Blood Donation Week across Mumbai, Delhi and Ahmedabad offices
In the second week of August, EdelGive Foundation held a blood donation drive in collaboration with Think Foundation. Mr. Vinay Shetty, the Vice President of Think Foundation, conducted an awareness session in all the Mumbai offices to educate employees on the importance of donating blood to patients suffering from Thalassemia as well as how to detect it early to prevent it. Over 700 employees volunteered to donate blood, and a total of 572 bags of blood were collected.
Stationary Distribution Drive with Umang Foundation
30 volunteers from Edelweiss Financial Services, participated in India’s largest stationary distribution drive, in collaboration with Umang Foundation at Shahapur. The activity consisted of sorting, packing and distributing the kits to 3300 children from 62 zila parishad schools. Each volunteer felt a deep sense of satisfaction in doing their bit in ensuring a bright future for these kids, who are unable to enjoy these basic necessities.
Seed Ball making with Public Markets Team at Windsor
30 employees from Public Markets team celebrated World Environment Day with EdelGive Foundation in collaboration with the Seva Charitable Trust. Amisha H Parekh, the Trustee of the NGO, guided them through the process of making the seed balls with mud, water seeds and compost. These seed balls can be carried anywhere and these can be scattered wherever we would like to see pants grow. The volunteers learnt a completely new and interesting way of contributing towards nature conservation.
‘Teach at the Beach’ activity at Juhu Beach
15 employees from Edelweiss participated in the ‘Teach at the beach’ activity with Bigger Than Life NGO, at Juhu Beach. Our employee volunteers facilitated an English grammar activity and played games with the underprivileged children. Towards the end, the kids were overjoyed to receive snacks from their bhaiya’s and didi’s. The volunteers felt a deep sense of satisfaction to see the delight on the children’s faces.
Visit to Support Foundation
20 Employees from Edelweiss visited the Support Foundation in Vakola, a rehab center for kids affected by drugs. As volunteers, they played games, sang songs with the kids and watched the kids dance for them. The joy of the kids knew no bounds as each one of them received gifts and snacks. It was a first-of-a-kind experience for some of our volunteers and they were overwhelmed with being a part of the experience of bringing smile on the children’s faces.
Mahim Beach Clean-up
Edelweiss employees spent their weekend cleaning Mahim beach post Holi celebrations. Each one of them expressed how satisfying it was to do their bit towards a cleaner Mumbai at the end of the activity.
Seed ball making with ‘Seva Charitable Trust’ in collaboration with ConnectFor
26 Employees from Edelweiss with their family members volunteered for a Seed ball making activity at the Sanjay Gandhi National Park Borivali, with the ‘Seva Charitable Trust’ in collaboration with ConnectFor. Amisha H Parekh, the Trustee of the NGO, guided them through the process of making the Seed balls. The volunteers learnt a completely new and an interesting way of contributing towards nature conservation.
HR Operations Team Day-out to Learning Space Foundation, Wada
A rural; immersion programme was organised for 32 volunteers on a Saturday. They visited a Zilla Parishad school at Wada where they volunteered to build the school infrastructure i.e., ground leveling, brick layering and tree plantation activities. After having completed the intensive tasks, they distributed gifts (bags with stationary kits, Maps, Educational Charts, Chocolates) to the enthusiastic school kids. Village women cooked and served food with a lot of love. A Warli workshop was also conducted for the volunteers at the school.
Mahim Beach Clean-up Drive
On a Saturday morning, employees from Edelweiss set out on a beach clean-up drive at Mahim. It was initiated by a Mumbai couple, Indraneil Sengupta and Rabia Tewari. In the past two years they have been instrumental in in clearing more than 700 tonnes of plastic. Volunteers from Edelweiss supported this cause by lending hands towards a cleaner Mumbai.
Republic day celebration with Under-privileged kids
Volunteers from Edelweiss celebrated Republic day with the Bigger Than Life NGO in collaboration with ConnectFor. Our volunteers facilitated an art session for the under-privileged children from the slums of Juhu, they also helped them in naming the states of India activity. It was amazing to watch the joy and enthusiasm in the children which gave the volunteers a deep sense of satisfaction.
Christmas visit to Home for the Aged
15 volunteers from Edelweiss visited the Home for the Aged at Bandra to celebrate Christmas with them. The volunteers sang carols and other popular old classics which pleased the audience there. The senior citizens responded to that very enthusiastically. The event was concluded with the distribution of dry fruits, cakes and scarfs to each senior citizen.
Fulfil-a-wish, Christmas activity with employees of Edelweiss
Around 100 volunteers across 9 cities from Edelweiss celebrated Christmas with 500 kids from the shelter homes. The celebration consisted of some Carol singing, games and other fun activities with the children and concluded with the distribution of the School bags with a stationary kit to each child, which was donated by our Employees.
Edelweiss Employees visited Support Foundation to celebrate Diwali with kids at their Vakola Center
Diwali celebrated with a cause. The Corporate compliance group of Edelweiss, chose to spend their Diwali week with kids from the shelter, by sharing gifts and spending time with them.
Senior Management Team visit to the Shelter home at Vakola
The Senior Management from Agri services and credit team of Edelweiss Visited the Shelter Home at Vakola. The children there were overjoyed to receive Carrom boards as gifts.
Stationary Kit Distribution Drive at Kasara
EdelGive Foundation in collaboration with Umang Foundation facilitated a Stationary Kit distribution drive.
Celebrating EdelGive Day during the Daan Utsav week
During our first EdelGive Celebration this year. Over 3000 Employees across 100 locations dedicated their time and energy towards one Goal of a Greener and Cleaner India- Swacch Bharat Abhiyan, during the Daan Utsav week.
Greenesha 2018, Beach Cleaning post Ganpati Utsav
We had employees of Edelweiss Group who participated in the Greenesha 2018 Volunteering activity during Ganesh Utsav on 23rd September 2018. This was an initiative of United Way Mumbai team in collaboration with MCGM.
EdelGive sets up a playground in Ladakh
For the first time in Edelweiss history, our first contingent of EdelGive volunteers from across the country joined forces to help set up the playground within 10 days at the Government Middle School, Lankerchey Thang Village, Kargil District, Ladakh.
Stationery Distribution Drive at Murbad
We had a series of field visits to Murbad with Umang Foundation, where more than 60 employees spent their day visiting various Zilla Parishad schools in the remote areas of Murbad, and distributed stationery to more than 8000 students.
Tree plantation drive with the Bangalore team
Tree plantation Drive in association with ConnectFor was opened up for employees of Bangalore GWAM
Fund Raising Campaign for setting a playground at Ladakh
EdelGive joined the ultra-marathoner Raj Vadgama to help build a playground for the children of Ladakh. They raised over 3 lacs through this campaign. The playground was personally built by volunteers from Edelweiss who were sent to Ladakh for 10 days to build the same.
Stationery Distribution Drive at Umang Foundation, Shahpur
Around 30 Edelweiss Volunteers spent their Saturday distributing stationery to the underprivileged children from tribal belt of Shahpur, organized by Umang Foundation.
Cancer Care Centre, Worli
Employees from the Edelweiss HR team visited a Cancer Care Centre at Worli. They were extremely motivated with the kids who despite their sufferings have a positive outlook towards life.
Salaam Balak Trust, Andheri
Management Associate Program (MAP) employees and interns from Edelweiss office Mumbai, went on a field visit to Salaam Baalak Trust. They interacted with the children and got a first-hand experience of the programs run by the NGO.
Aadhar Old Age Home Visit
Employees from CFO’s Office spent time with over 100 elderly individuals from Aadhar Old Age Home, at their centre in Borivali. The residents participated in various activities that were planned for them – from games to garba sessions, and enjoyed them thoroughly.
Versova Beach Cleanup Drive
After the festive season of Ganesh Chaturthi and Visarjan, many Ganesha idols are left behind on the beach. EdelGive Foundation in association with IchangeMyCity program by Janagraha and Bhumi, organized a beach clean-up drive with the support of Edelweiss volunteers.
Toy distribution Drive
As a part of the distribution drive in collaboration with ToyBank, our employees distributed toys to more than 600 children from municipal schools and celebrated the Power of Play.
Walkathon with NDTV at Mumbai and Chandigarh
EdelGive Foundation provided an opportunity to Edelweiss employees from Mumbai and Chandigarh to participate in a walkathon organized by NDTV for awareness on the subject of organ donation. The campaign ‘More to Give’ looked at the cause of organ donation in an effort to positively impact the well-being of the nation.
Daan Utsav Celebrations
To mark the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti and celebrate the spirit of Daan Utsav, our 30 employee volunteers conducted a cleanliness drive at Juhu Beach in collaboration with NGO Bhumi.
Read A Story
Employees from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Pune spent time sharing positive and motivational stories with children from orphanages and read various books to them Jaipur branch employees spent time learning creative arts from girls of PraveenLata Sansthan.
Toybank Sensitization Activity with GI
120 employees of General Insurance participated in an innovating Power-of-Play session conducted by Madhulika Dhindaw and her team of 7 volunteers from Toybank. The session was more than just fun and games, as team Toybank apprised the attendees of the importance of ‘Conscious Play’ in the lives of at-risk children for their mental well-being and socio-emotional development. Through activities like Untangle and Gotcha or Mechanix and Lego, employees indulged in playtime while also showing enthusiastic interest in volunteering for Toybank to bring the play in lesser-privileged lives.
Mentor-Mentee Orientation Session with Antarang Foundation
9 Edelweiss Global Investment Advisors' mentors and 25 mentees of Antarang Foundation were oriented for the one-year ‘Mentors of Mumbai’ programme at the Edelweiss Group’s office. The mentees and mentors first introduced themselves, after which they were divided into groups and given an opportunity to interact with each other. The session ended with exchange of numbers and formation of different WhatsApp groups to stay in touch and plan the next set of mentoring sessions. Antarang Foundation’s Mentoring Program ‘Mentors of Mumbai’ is a voluntary opportunity for experienced working professionals to provide guidance and insight to low-income youth.
Agastya Foundation Science Exhibition with GI
120 employees from the General Insurance team enthusiastically participated in an activity conducted by the teachers from Agastya International Foundation. The team immersed themselves in a science exhibition, that took them back to their own childhood days.
Open House with Vidya Shah
Vidya Shah addressed 120 employees along with the CEO and ExCo's of Edelweiss General Insurance Company Limited, where she took everyone through the journey of EdelGive Foundation. Suleman Safdar briefed the audience about the employee volunteering plan of EdelGive this year. The Open House ended with Shanai Ghosh, the CEO of GI, talking about their initiative of planting one sapling for every policy sold this year in order to reduce carbon print. Post that Ms. Shanai launched the '365 days of giving' - in which they will be taking up 4 more CSR activities, spread across the year.
Leadership League Talk at Retail Finance with Pranil Naik
Pranil, an Ashoka Awardee winner spoke about his passion for education and the model they are working on- English learning solutions and taking them to small villages in Maharashtra with the help of technology and algorithms to enhance spoken English skills amongst students there. He spoke about the product and his journey which is a result of a lot of persistence, research and customer centric attitude which draws parallels with what we also do at Edelweiss- Suno, Samjho, Suljhao.
Marking Independence Day with a New Resolve
EdelGoGreen- This Independence Day we pledged to stop using plastic bags. A campaign was organised under the banner Swachh Bharat and EdelGoGreen, and Plastic Bag Collection Centres were set up for employees to give away their plastic bags, in exchange for an eco-friendly one. More than 100 employees donated over 1000 bags that were sent for recycling to help our GoGreen partner EcoSac bags.
Agastya Foundation Session at the Ignite training program as a part of the Real Estate Advisory Practices Learning Week
Agastya Foundation stands for “Sparking your curiosity” and that is something we want our employees to imbibe. Therefore, EdelGive Foundation invited them to conduct a session as part of the Real Estate Advisory Practices learning week.
Open House: Employees Donate for a Better India
Vidya Shah, CEO, EdelGive Foundation and Ram Yadav, CEO Real Estate Advisory Practices at the Open House Event. Employees from REAP donated Rs 2,11,000/- and pledged to contribute 100 hrs towards volunteering this year.
In-Kind Donation Drive for Flood affected areas
EdelGive Foundation initiated an In-Kind Donation Drive to support the efforts of Goonj in floods affected areas. Over 20 Edelweiss offices across 5 cities participated in this drive. Our employees donated old clothes, torches, etc., which would be helpful to people affected by floods.
Leadership League Talk with Mumtaz Shaikh and Supriya Sonar from CORO
As part of the EdelGive’s Leadership League Talk, Edelweiss employees spent an hour with Mumtaz Shaikh and Supriya Sonar from CORO, who are leading the 'Right to Pee' movement in Mumbai, and tried to understand the implications of the denial of “Right to City” on girls and women.
Open House: Be a Responsible Citizen
The focus of these talks by Vidya Shah, CEO, EdelGive, is to enhance the knowledge and attitude of Edelweiss employees towards giving, and to build responsible citizens. In the last year Edelweiss employees contributed over INR 84 lacs through personal giving.
Spelling Bee Contest with the children of Sshrishti
Employees from our Delhi office spent their Friday evening interacting with children from NGO Sshrishti. The evening saw employees enjoying the craft lessons from the children. The employees then took on the role of teacher’s and conducted a Spelling Bee Contest, and the kids were put to test.
Gender Sensitivity- Access to Justice
EdelGive Foundation organized a thought provoking session on “Access to Justice” with eminent Lawyer Ms. Flavia Agnes. With expertise in marital, divorce and property law, she threw light on legal representation for women on issues of matrimonial rights and child custody.
Daan Utsav- Joy of Giving:
Saurabh Nimbkar, renowned for singing in local trains, was invited to the Mumbai Office to raise funds for Cancer and inspire our employees to support the cause. In the 2 hour session, we were able to raise more than Rs.1.5 lacs from employees.
Project Details | NGO | Location |
Advisory to Board | Masoom | Mumbai |
Creation of HR Manual | Jeevandhara | Mumbai |
Creation of the HR manual and Performance appraisal system | Stree Mukti Sanghatana | Mumbai |
Dashboard and Task Management | LeapForWord | Pune |
Digitisation: for the creation of an application for the Health care and Education modules | Jai Vakeel Foundation | Mumbai |
Edelweiss Employees being mentors to the girls as a part of the Girl Icon Program. | Milaan | Lucknow |
Personal Coaching to their CEO | Jai Vakeel Foundation | Mumbai |
Strategy: Mentoring to the Founder and way forward for the NGO | LeapForWord | Pune |
Training workshop to Teachers on Aspiration Building | SHM | Howrah |
Project Details | NGO | Location |
Advisory to Board | Masoom | Mumbai |
An event and Panel Discussion with the leaders from the financial industry to discuss Smart Cities. | Janagraha | Bengaluru |
Blood Donation Drive | Think Foundation | Mumbai |
Blood Donation Drive | Think Foundation | Ahmedabad |
Blood Donation Drive | Think Foundation | Delhi |
Career guidance session | Medha | Lucknow |
Career guidance sessions | Janagraha | Chennai |
Cleanliness drive at Juhu Beach | Bhoomi | Mumbai |
Competitions and games with children from under-privileged homes | Raza | Bengaluru |
Creative Art sessions for children | Praveen Lara Sansthan | Jaipur |
Daan Utsav – raised money for children suffering from cancer | Surab Nimbkar (individual who raises money for the cause by singing in railway trains). | Mumbai |
Digitalization: CRM for easy reference and access of Dataand Task Management for the team | Majlis | Mumbai |
Digitisation: for the creation of an application for the Health care and Education modules | Jai Vakeel Foundation | Mumbai |
Distribution of surplus food from restaurants to children in need | Robin Hood Army | Mumbai |
Edel-Go-Green – 4300kgs of waste paper was collected and made into usable notepads | NGO Greenciti | Mumbai |
Edelweiss Employees being mentors to the girls as a part of the Girl Icon Program. | Milaan | Lucknow |
Exposure visits | Janagraha | Bengaluru |
Fulfil a Wish Campaign | Fulfil a Wish Campaign | Fulfil a Wish Campaign |
Fulfil a Wish Campaign. | SnehaSadan | Mumbai |
Gandhi Jayanti celebrations: | Mumbai | |
iMatter session on civic rights and duties | Janagraha | Hyderabad |
Marketing campaign to increase online donations | Make a Wish | Mumbai |
Motivational Talk | Masoom – children in night-schools | Mumbai |
Painting of Andheri and Santa Cruz stations | Hamara Station Hamari Shaan | Mumbai |
Read a Story – spent the day reading and dramatizing stories for children in different care homes | NGO Bhoomi | Bengaluru |
Read a Story – spent the day reading and dramatizing stories for children in different care homes | NGO Bhoomi | Chennai |
Read a Story – spent the day reading and dramatizing stories for children in different care homes | NGO Bhoomi | Hyderabad |
Read a Story – spent the day reading and dramatizing stories for children in different care homes | NGO Bhoomi | Pune |
Social Impact evaluation of Tikiapara | SHM | Howrah |
Spelling Bee | Sshrishti | Kolkota |
Spend the day with children coping with cancer | St. Jude’s Center | Mumbai |
Spent the day with the children engaged in art and origami sessions | Sshrishti | Delhi |
Sponsored a special meal and gifts for the children, interacted with the children | Delhi | |
Sponsored a special meal and gifts for the children, interacted with the children | Manav Mandir Orphanage | Delhi |
Strategy: Mentoring to the Founder and way forward for the NGO | LeapForWord | Pune |
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan | Jaipur | |
Systems, Processes & Technology | AROEHAN | Mokhada |
The NGO’s children travelled to the different cities’ offices. | Janagraha | |
Tree Plantation Drive at Aarey – 50 trees of 5 varieties | Save Aarey | Mumbai |
Tree Plantation Drives | Aroehan | Mokhada |
Tree Plantation Drives | Learning Space Foundation | Wada |
Tree Plantation Drives | Save Aarey | Aarey |
Walkathon with NDTV – on Organ Donation | More-to-Give campaign | Mumbai and Chandigarh |
Project Details | NGO | Location |
Compliance Manual : To strengthen the implementation of financial compliance | RSSA | Udaipur |
Financial Literacy: financial inclusion sessions for NGO employees and direct participants | Sshrishti | Delhi |
Strategy: Mentoring to the Founder and way forward for the NGO | LeapForWord | Mumbai |
Operations Management: Developed an SOP for their training vertical | Medha | Lucknow |
Operations Management : Process Manual and PRA creation | Torpa | Khunti, Jharkhand |
Financial Analysis of a Municipality as a Research/ Advocacy tool | Janagraha | Bengaluru |
Operations Management: Analysis on Salesforce Usage and challenges faced by employees on using the system | CCS | Delhi |
Advisory to Board | Masoom | Mumbai |
Digitisation: for the creation of an application for the Health care and Education modules | Jai Vakeel Foundation | Mumbai |
Accounting Audit: Creation of a centralised accounting manual, and training on the same. Also an audit of the entire accounting process was done | Jai Vakeel Foundation | Mumbai |
Marketing: Crowdfunding Project to raise Rs 5 Lacs | Make a Wish Foundation | Mumbai |
Strategic Mentoring to CEO | Make a Wish Foundation | Mumbai |
Impact Assessment Study, realigned strategy, designed funding proposals | VSP | Buldhana, Maharashtra |
Legal and Compliance: Blueprint for expansion and business sustainability , legal services support on IP and trademarks registration , Operations manual for replication and expansion | LeapForWord | Pune |
Grading and Impact tool for M&E of TMC schools , Scorecard for ground teams and operational tracker for improved program reporting and employee efficiency and productivity | Learning Space foundation | Palghar, Maharashtra |
Human Resource Management: Design and formulation of HRM policies, organizational restructuring and performance appraisal systems. | Shrishthi | Delhi |
Showing 1 to 10 of 43 entries